The EURATOM coordination and support project "Accelerator and Research reactor Infrastructures for Education and Learning (ARIEL)" has ended on February 29, 2024. Please refer to the future APRENDE project coordinated by CIEMAT. The OFFERR and ENEN2plus projects currently provide facility and user support for nuclear data research.
The EURATOM coordination and support project "Accelerator and Research reactor Infrastructures for Education and Learning (ARIEL)" brings together the most modern and state-of-the-art European neutron beam laboratories using the full range of neutron sources from high-energy proton synchrotons to research reactors.
For the continued improvement of the safety of current and future nuclear facilities, accurate and precise nuclear data are required e.g. embedded in computer simulations. Producing these nuclear data is a complex process, which relies on neutron facilities and on highly-trained nuclear physicists.
Twenty-three partners from 14 European countries will work together for the education and training of a new generation of young scientists and technical staff.
The project will provide:
- Transnational access to neutron facilities
- Training of early stage researchers through scientific visits
- Four summer schools for students to increase attractivity at the university level
- Three scientific workshops and progress meetings
ARIEL Final Workshop
17.01.2024 14:00 - 19.01.2024 14:00
IJCLab, 100/-1-A900 - Auditorium Joliot Curie, Orsay, France
The workshop will provide an opportunity to all users who have benefited from ARIEL support over the last four years to present the work carried out at ARIEL facilities and share their scientific results. The scientific program will consist of both invited and contributed talks and will showcase the highlights of supported research at ARIEL neutron-beam facilities. All beneficiaries of ARIEL support are encouraged to register, contribute and participate.
registration: (deadline is December 1, 2023)
Lab Course on Reactor Operation and Nuclear Chemistry
Organized by the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany
Research ReactorTRIGA Mainz, November 19-24, 2023 (registration deadline, September 15, 2023)
Hands-on school on nuclear data from Research Reactors"
organized by the Centre for Energy Research & Institute of Nuclear Techniques, and
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, in Budapest, Hungary
September 25-29, 2023 (registration deadline, August 30, 2023)
WINS2023 - The 6th Biannual Workshop for Inelastic and Elastic Neutron Scattering
10. - 12.10.2023
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Gaerttner LINAC Center, Troy NY, USA
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